Next Week's Auction For A Private Concert
Hey, next week the auction begins for the private acoustic concert by me in your house!
As you may know, I am up for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training MAN OF THE YEAR! Yeah, I know what you're thinking- I'm not worthy! It's true, I'm not, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm trying to raise money to defeat cancer. It's sooooooooooo important that we keep the research going. A breakthrough is just around the corner! Let's keep the pressure on.
So, you can go over to the KFOX.COM website and click on the auction page and make a bid. Just think- I'll come to your house and play an entire acoustic gig just for you and your friends! Cool, huh?
All you have to do is make the winning bid at KFOX.COM. Auction ends on next Friday about the same time I get off the air. This is one of my favorite promotions here at KFOX and it's a great chance to raise some money to crush cancer.
I'll probably be playing the acoustic 12 string Boulder Creek guitar...
...and no doubt my Voyage-Air fold-away guitar... I'll most likely play my recently rebuilt by C.B. Perkins Guild 12 string from 1967. It's my most prized possession and I love that old guitar.
Help me strike a blow for the good guys and kick cancer's ass! This concert comes with a full measure of attitude and just the right groove.
Make your bid starting Monday! I'll see you at... your house!