The Bleached Skulls
Wednesday 07-21-2010 10:40am PT
The road to rock and roll heaven is paved with the bleached skulls of guys like me.
It's so true. My own daughter was once hiking through the jungles of South America when she heard my song "Jeopardy" playing through a speaker nailed to a tree in the middle of nowhere. It was a little shack that sold bootleg cassettes. She didn't buy one but I wish she had. The label said- I kid you not- "Jeopardy" by The Gren King Bang.
It's so true. My own daughter was once hiking through the jungles of South America when she heard my song "Jeopardy" playing through a speaker nailed to a tree in the middle of nowhere. It was a little shack that sold bootleg cassettes. She didn't buy one but I wish she had. The label said- I kid you not- "Jeopardy" by The Gren King Bang.

I have had the pleasure of being bootlegged all over the world, and you can hear those inferior audio transfers from dance clubs of Europe to the ladyboy bars of Thailand- we're downright global!

I Googled myself this morning. I had 311,000 results in .22 seconds. That's scary. What's up with that? You can use any search engine and the results will be more or less the same. There are a million Greg Kihn websites out there- of course the KFOX site is front and center, and you can always find my updated fresh blogs right here, and for those who are keeping track at home- you all know exactly where I am every weekday morning from 5:00-10:00am. I'm right here at KFOX. And I will be for many years to come. This is my home.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've got several more websites running that feature fresh content and satisfy various hungers experienced by the well informed Greg Kihn fan. If you want to buy stuff- T-shirts, CD's, Books, DVD's, Photo's, etc. then you probably want to visit Also there are Greg Kihn sites at MySpace, Twitter, and FaceBook, all of them are fabulous, of course. I also do a syndicated 7-midnight show in 96 markets around the country, and that show has a website too- In addition to the official GK websites there are many Greg Kihn videos on YouTube, CD's and books at Amazon, and biographical information at Wikipedia.
You can find all kinds of interesting stuff in a Google search. (By the way, the world has been going downhill since the words PARTY and GOGGLE became verbs!) I found out that I have been nominated for the Bay Area Radio Hall Of Fame for my 14 years on the air here at KFOX. Hard to believe but it's true! I am nominated along with such luminaries as Giant's announcer John Miller, The A's Ken Korach, Ralph Barbieri, Gary Radnich, Hal Ramey, Bonnie Simmons, Scott Beach, Dave Morey, Stan Bunger, and Ben Fong-Torres. Wow! What an honor. I had no idea. Public voting has concluded so I am way behind if I wanted to influence the voting by putting in a plug- I blew it. That's the story of my life. I'm a day late and dollar short. I hope I win just so I can go to the banquette and sit next to John Miller.

My point is this- we live in a fishbowl. If you're in the public eye like me it's even crazier. I don't mind, though. I love my life.
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