Save the 4th!
The annual 4th of July Show in downtown San Jose is in danger of being cancelled! Somebody save it! Please!
It's all about budgets these days and the word I heard was that the grants that the City of San Jose used to give to help defray the costs of putting on the downtown 4th of July celebration have dried up! Without giving you the numbers, let me just say that the budget for this event has been slashed to next to nothing. What does that mean? It means no family fun on the 4th, no fireworks display, and no Greg Kihn Band concert.
It costs money to put on an event like this: overtime for the police department, fire department, emergency services, the cost of the fireworks display, etc. The City of San Jose is trying to save some money this year, and that's understandable, but cutting out the 4th of July? That's positively un-American!
Mayor Chuck Reed! Help us! Find the money somewhere! Don't let the kids of San Jose down! In these tough times, we need a smile! What's the 4th of July without fireworks?
It seems strange to me that in Silicon Valley, the most high-tech place on the planet, crawling with successful businesses, that we can't find private funding for this event. How about some corporate sponsors? Surely some company out there will come to the rescue.
We're not talking about a million bucks here, in fact it's not even one tenth of that amount, but without a knight in shining armor, this event will sink like the setting sun in the west. Come on, all you Silicon Valley millionaires! Come to the rescue of San Jose and save the fireworks show and rock concert!
I am going to dedicate myself to this cause. I don't care what it takes! We can't let this tradition die! I am going to call the mayor today and I will let you know how it went on Monday's blog.
Save the 4th of July in downtown San Jose!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thank God its Friday!
Thank God its Friday!
My son Ry is coming over today and we're going to have lunch near the station (KFOX) in San Jose. We might have some pizza and salad at Vito's on Skyport Blvd. I love that place and the owner George is a great guy. You should check out his world class collection of autographed album covers displayed in the restaurant. He's got everything from the Beatles to the Godfather! I have great memories of Vito's. I used to take Brianna there all the time when she was alive. She loved Italian food and especially pizza! I sure do miss her.
Or maybe we'll go to House of Genji for some Japanese food. Or maybe El Burro for Mexican food. Or maybe the Hickory Pit for some BBQ. Or maybe a sandwich at Genova's delicatessen. Or maybe.. I don't know, I love it all.
I'm still trying to shake off that Sharks loss last night in Game One of the Stanley Cup playoffs. That was painful.
Tonight I get to sleep for 10 hours straight! Damn, I love that. After getting up at 4:00am all week I look forward to catching up on sleep on the weekends.
My son Ry is coming over today and we're going to have lunch near the station (KFOX) in San Jose. We might have some pizza and salad at Vito's on Skyport Blvd. I love that place and the owner George is a great guy. You should check out his world class collection of autographed album covers displayed in the restaurant. He's got everything from the Beatles to the Godfather! I have great memories of Vito's. I used to take Brianna there all the time when she was alive. She loved Italian food and especially pizza! I sure do miss her.
Or maybe we'll go to House of Genji for some Japanese food. Or maybe El Burro for Mexican food. Or maybe the Hickory Pit for some BBQ. Or maybe a sandwich at Genova's delicatessen. Or maybe.. I don't know, I love it all.
I'm still trying to shake off that Sharks loss last night in Game One of the Stanley Cup playoffs. That was painful.
Tonight I get to sleep for 10 hours straight! Damn, I love that. After getting up at 4:00am all week I look forward to catching up on sleep on the weekends.
Wolfgang's Vault
Wolfgang's Vault
There are many Greg Kihn Band live shows out there in the Internet. People send me links all the time. Wolfgang's Vault has a bunch of them, and the quality is excellent. They currently have posted a live show from 1986 recorded in Philadelphia featuring Joe Satriani on lead guitar. Here's a link to that site. There are many GKB live shows archived there.
There are many Greg Kihn Band live shows out there in the Internet. People send me links all the time. Wolfgang's Vault has a bunch of them, and the quality is excellent. They currently have posted a live show from 1986 recorded in Philadelphia featuring Joe Satriani on lead guitar. Here's a link to that site. There are many GKB live shows archived there.
The Tea Parties
The Tea Parties
I drove to my local post office to mail my tax returns yesterday. It's getting so I know the addresses by heart: The Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board. God, I pay a ton of taxes! __Are we one of the most taxed civilizations in history? I don't know but it sure seems like it. Then, as I drove home, I happened on something very interesting, a tax protest! I guess it was one of those "tea parties" we've been hearing about. Some people were dressed in Colonial Era clothes with tri-cornered hats from the American Revolution. As I looked at the faces of the protesters, I recognized some neighbors and friends. They too felt over taxed. Let me tell you, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought only the lefties could protest around here. Anyway, I honked my horn and waved and proceeded to drive home. But, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Was this a spontaneous demonstration of people's frustrations? I've been feeling over-taxed for years now, but I thought I was alone. __Obama is spending money that we haven't even earned yet to bail out whoever he likes (some companies get lots, others get nothing, and you and I can only dream about it.) I can't tell you how unfair I think that is, but what can you do? That's great for the people who will get checks, but what about the rest of us? We have to pay for it through taxes. I hope this mutates into a grass-roots political movement. I'd love to vote for tax reform! Maybe this is the beginning of something great. Right now, the politicians tax everything except the air that we breath (and don't hold your breath, because that's probably next!) __Hopefully the ruling class will take pity on us someday and lower SOME taxes, but don't count on it. As long as the socialists we elected in Washington need money to fuel their programs, the rest of us will have to get up early and work late. __As if you didn't know. __How about those tea parties?
I drove to my local post office to mail my tax returns yesterday. It's getting so I know the addresses by heart: The Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board. God, I pay a ton of taxes! __Are we one of the most taxed civilizations in history? I don't know but it sure seems like it. Then, as I drove home, I happened on something very interesting, a tax protest! I guess it was one of those "tea parties" we've been hearing about. Some people were dressed in Colonial Era clothes with tri-cornered hats from the American Revolution. As I looked at the faces of the protesters, I recognized some neighbors and friends. They too felt over taxed. Let me tell you, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought only the lefties could protest around here. Anyway, I honked my horn and waved and proceeded to drive home. But, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Was this a spontaneous demonstration of people's frustrations? I've been feeling over-taxed for years now, but I thought I was alone. __Obama is spending money that we haven't even earned yet to bail out whoever he likes (some companies get lots, others get nothing, and you and I can only dream about it.) I can't tell you how unfair I think that is, but what can you do? That's great for the people who will get checks, but what about the rest of us? We have to pay for it through taxes. I hope this mutates into a grass-roots political movement. I'd love to vote for tax reform! Maybe this is the beginning of something great. Right now, the politicians tax everything except the air that we breath (and don't hold your breath, because that's probably next!) __Hopefully the ruling class will take pity on us someday and lower SOME taxes, but don't count on it. As long as the socialists we elected in Washington need money to fuel their programs, the rest of us will have to get up early and work late. __As if you didn't know. __How about those tea parties?
The Pirates Of Somalia
The Pirates Of Somalia
These pirates aren't cute. They don't look like Johnny Depp. These guys are murdering punks with AK47's and bad teeth. They've been hijacking unarmed ships in the Gulf Of Aden off the Somali Coast. Here's my solution to the problem. It's quite simple. Picture this. We put about 1500 Marines, Navy Seals, and Army Rangers in civilian clothes on a big cruise ship and have them float right into harm's way. Through the pirate's binoculars it will appear to be a party boat full of drunken revelers. However, when the pirates try to board the innocent-looking vessel, the machine guns come out, and boom boom! Out go the lights! No more pirates. Do that a couple of times and these scurvy dogs might think twice about boarding a vessel on the high seas.
I love using the term "scurvy dogs" when referring to the pirates.
Who would have guessed, at the end of WWII, after our fathers fought and died to defeat Nazi Fascism, that such vile human endeavors such as terrorism and piracy would flourish in 2009? It's inconceivable that mankind would sink this low in just 60 years. Looks like our father's work isn't done yet.
Thank God the Navy Seals took out the pirates before they could kill the American Captain. Remember, the Captain of a vessel is prepared to go down with the ship. It's part of being the Captain. They all know it when they take the job.
I sure hope Obama gets tough with these pirates. I don't want my grandchildren growing up in a world with pirates and terrorists running wild.
These pirates aren't cute. They don't look like Johnny Depp. These guys are murdering punks with AK47's and bad teeth. They've been hijacking unarmed ships in the Gulf Of Aden off the Somali Coast. Here's my solution to the problem. It's quite simple. Picture this. We put about 1500 Marines, Navy Seals, and Army Rangers in civilian clothes on a big cruise ship and have them float right into harm's way. Through the pirate's binoculars it will appear to be a party boat full of drunken revelers. However, when the pirates try to board the innocent-looking vessel, the machine guns come out, and boom boom! Out go the lights! No more pirates. Do that a couple of times and these scurvy dogs might think twice about boarding a vessel on the high seas.
I love using the term "scurvy dogs" when referring to the pirates.
Who would have guessed, at the end of WWII, after our fathers fought and died to defeat Nazi Fascism, that such vile human endeavors such as terrorism and piracy would flourish in 2009? It's inconceivable that mankind would sink this low in just 60 years. Looks like our father's work isn't done yet.
Thank God the Navy Seals took out the pirates before they could kill the American Captain. Remember, the Captain of a vessel is prepared to go down with the ship. It's part of being the Captain. They all know it when they take the job.
I sure hope Obama gets tough with these pirates. I don't want my grandchildren growing up in a world with pirates and terrorists running wild.
Easter is a time of rebirth and this Sunday that's just what I intend to do! Traditionally, we always go over to my mother-in-law's house for some Filipino food on Easter. I guess I'll have to throw my diet out the windows. She always makes a ton of food. I can't resist.
I took my wife to see the Giants vs. Milwaukee yesterday at AT&T Park. It was our first game this season and it was great. The Giants won 7-1 and it rained. We missed the line drive off the forehead of Joe Martinez. That was a scary moment. We had already left the park after 8.5 innings and had just gotten into the car when we heard it on the radio. Thank God he's going to be OK.
Have a great Easter! Remember to call or visit your parents if they're still alive. Once they're gone, you'll wish you had.
I have fond memories of making Easter eggs in my mother's kitchen when I was a kid. Back then we did it the old-fashioned way with food coloring and vinegar. Just think, next year when I'm a grandparent, I will make Easter eggs with my grandchildren! I can't wait! Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies and Easter egg hunts were wonderful diversions way back when. Share them with your kids this weekend. Happy Easter everybody!
Easter is a time of rebirth and this Sunday that's just what I intend to do! Traditionally, we always go over to my mother-in-law's house for some Filipino food on Easter. I guess I'll have to throw my diet out the windows. She always makes a ton of food. I can't resist.
I took my wife to see the Giants vs. Milwaukee yesterday at AT&T Park. It was our first game this season and it was great. The Giants won 7-1 and it rained. We missed the line drive off the forehead of Joe Martinez. That was a scary moment. We had already left the park after 8.5 innings and had just gotten into the car when we heard it on the radio. Thank God he's going to be OK.
Have a great Easter! Remember to call or visit your parents if they're still alive. Once they're gone, you'll wish you had.
I have fond memories of making Easter eggs in my mother's kitchen when I was a kid. Back then we did it the old-fashioned way with food coloring and vinegar. Just think, next year when I'm a grandparent, I will make Easter eggs with my grandchildren! I can't wait! Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies and Easter egg hunts were wonderful diversions way back when. Share them with your kids this weekend. Happy Easter everybody!
Bruce The "Other Man?"
Bruce The "Other Man?"
Bruce Springsteen a cheater? It doesn't seem possible. But in the media today the reports are coming in that he has been named as the "other man" in a New Jersey divorce case. Arthur Kelly has named Bruce as the man his wife of 17 years, Ann Kelly, has been having an affair with after meeting him at a local gym. Shocking, isn't it? First of all, let me say for the record that I find this very hard to believe. I am going to wait until all the facts are in before I make up my mind. I know what it's like to live in a fishbowl. While there is no excuse for cheating, there are some extenuating circumstances that can be a factor. I know because I did it myself back in the 80's. I'm not proud of it, but I am being honest here. A guy like Bruce is under tremendous pressure all the time. Women throw themselves at you when you're a rock star. Most guys crack under the pressure. I did. I was only human, after all. For years nobody paid attention to me, then I had a hit record and guess what? Suddenly I was the most popular guy in town! I didn't know how to react so I just went nuts. I didn't care whose heart I broke, I was selfish and horny. I think my case is typical. (By the way, I learned my lesson 20 years ago and I would NEVER do that again.)
Also, the media is totally out of control and they go into a feeding frenzy as soon as they smell blood. You think they smell blood here? Damn right they do. They won't wait for a response from Bruce, they will run with this story regardless of who gets hurt, even though the jury is still out. It's a shame but in today's world it is a fact of life.
Tonight Bruce plays in Denver. I gotta wonder what Patti and their 3 kids think about all this. The media doesn't care whose life it destroys, as long as it gets ratings. That sucks. I say wait until the facts are all in. Give Bruce the benefit of the doubt.
Here's a link to the news story:,2933,513297,00.html
Bruce Springsteen a cheater? It doesn't seem possible. But in the media today the reports are coming in that he has been named as the "other man" in a New Jersey divorce case. Arthur Kelly has named Bruce as the man his wife of 17 years, Ann Kelly, has been having an affair with after meeting him at a local gym. Shocking, isn't it? First of all, let me say for the record that I find this very hard to believe. I am going to wait until all the facts are in before I make up my mind. I know what it's like to live in a fishbowl. While there is no excuse for cheating, there are some extenuating circumstances that can be a factor. I know because I did it myself back in the 80's. I'm not proud of it, but I am being honest here. A guy like Bruce is under tremendous pressure all the time. Women throw themselves at you when you're a rock star. Most guys crack under the pressure. I did. I was only human, after all. For years nobody paid attention to me, then I had a hit record and guess what? Suddenly I was the most popular guy in town! I didn't know how to react so I just went nuts. I didn't care whose heart I broke, I was selfish and horny. I think my case is typical. (By the way, I learned my lesson 20 years ago and I would NEVER do that again.)
Also, the media is totally out of control and they go into a feeding frenzy as soon as they smell blood. You think they smell blood here? Damn right they do. They won't wait for a response from Bruce, they will run with this story regardless of who gets hurt, even though the jury is still out. It's a shame but in today's world it is a fact of life.
Tonight Bruce plays in Denver. I gotta wonder what Patti and their 3 kids think about all this. The media doesn't care whose life it destroys, as long as it gets ratings. That sucks. I say wait until the facts are all in. Give Bruce the benefit of the doubt.
Here's a link to the news story:,2933,513297,00.html
Magnetic Levitation!
Magnetic Levitation!
Greg Kihn demonstrating the new "Maglev Belt" (Magnetic Levitation) in the KFOX Parking lot as seen by Tim Jeffreys and Chris Jackson. Greg will be attempting to become the first recording artist to use this new technology at _Kihncert 2009 May 24th at the Shoreline.

Magnetic Levitation!
The Maglev belt! Well, it's not actually a belt, it's more like a harness or a girdle, but the concept is real, I will actually levitate above the crowd at this year's KIHNCERT. Let me tell you the whole story. A few days ago I was contacted by the EMS (Electro Magnetic Systems) Company of Sunnyvale, California about the possibility of wearing one of their Magnetic Levitation devices at the KIHNCERT. __As you can see, it actually works! Of course I am concerned about the safety aspects of the Maglev Belt. If something breaks the magnetic field while I'm aloft, I could fall and not only injure myself, but also some concert goers in the first 20 rows at the Shoreline. __If this works it will change the way gigs are played forever! I understand that the company has already been contacted by KISS about using their belts to levitate all 4 band members above the audience. Also, I hear that MADONNA is interested. But forget about those guys! I'll be the first to use a Magnetic Levitation device ever!__We are waiting to hear back from the Shoreline Amphitheater about the legal ramifications of the Maglev Belt. Of course, safety is our #1 concern. We don't want to see anybody get hurt. So, hang tight and I will keep you informed on this great experiment in live entertainment. Wish me luck!
Greg Kihn demonstrating the new "Maglev Belt" (Magnetic Levitation) in the KFOX Parking lot as seen by Tim Jeffreys and Chris Jackson. Greg will be attempting to become the first recording artist to use this new technology at _Kihncert 2009 May 24th at the Shoreline.

Magnetic Levitation!
The Maglev belt! Well, it's not actually a belt, it's more like a harness or a girdle, but the concept is real, I will actually levitate above the crowd at this year's KIHNCERT. Let me tell you the whole story. A few days ago I was contacted by the EMS (Electro Magnetic Systems) Company of Sunnyvale, California about the possibility of wearing one of their Magnetic Levitation devices at the KIHNCERT. __As you can see, it actually works! Of course I am concerned about the safety aspects of the Maglev Belt. If something breaks the magnetic field while I'm aloft, I could fall and not only injure myself, but also some concert goers in the first 20 rows at the Shoreline. __If this works it will change the way gigs are played forever! I understand that the company has already been contacted by KISS about using their belts to levitate all 4 band members above the audience. Also, I hear that MADONNA is interested. But forget about those guys! I'll be the first to use a Magnetic Levitation device ever!__We are waiting to hear back from the Shoreline Amphitheater about the legal ramifications of the Maglev Belt. Of course, safety is our #1 concern. We don't want to see anybody get hurt. So, hang tight and I will keep you informed on this great experiment in live entertainment. Wish me luck!
When I was a kid I always went to opening day at the ballpark.
When I was a kid I always went to opening day at the ballpark. My parent's house was only a few blocks from Memorial Stadium in Baltimore. It was acceptable to play hooky on that day and go to the game. As I grew up, I drifted away from that tradition. This year I will miss it entirely, but I am going to Thursday's game. It's a 4:00pm start and a lot easier to get to than an afternoon game. Since I don't usually get out of KFOX until after noon it is hard to make a 1:00pm game. But, 4:00pm is a piece of cake! So, I'm going home, grabbing my wife, and heading to the ballpark to watch the Giants against the Milwaukee Brewers. Opening day represents the start of another season, another spring, another summer, and another chance to dream of a world series. It connects with me in a way that few sporting events do. I remember when times were tough between my father and I, we could always talk about baseball. Baseball is the great communicator. Every team is a contender on opening day. Opening day is a time for rebirth and renewal. I welcome it as I do every year. Life is good!
The KIHNCERT is coming up on May 24

Kihncert Songs
The KIHNCERT is coming up on May 24
and I have scheduled a rehearsal for the Greg Kihn Band. What I'd like to know is this: what songs do you want to hear? I thought I'd ask now, before the rehearsal, so we can run through the songs before hand. So, why don't you email me your suggestions at-
or on here.
It would be fun to know what you'd like to hear not only at the KIHNCERT but for all the other gigs this summer. Of course we will be doing all the usual hits like "The Breakup Song" and "Jeopardy" and "Lucky" and stuff like that, but I'm looking for the odd songs we haven't done lately. In some cases, we NEVER played the song at all. So, that's the challenge this year. Email me your suggestions and we will rehearse them and if they sound decent, I will preform the songs at this year's KIHNCERT. No guarantees, of course, but it should be fun!
Here's a partial list that I started of songs I plan to rehearse:
Madison Avenue Man
For You
Sweet Little Sheila
Can't Stop Hurtin' Myself
Happy Man
Real Big Man
Love and Rock & Roll
Little Red Book
Love's Made A Fool Of You
For Your Love
Opening Day/ National Anthems
Opening Day/ National Anthems
I saw Taylor Hicks from American Idol (he's in town to play in "Grease") sing the National Anthem on opening day at the SF Giants yesterday and it reminded me how hard it is to sing it in AT&T Park. Most baseball stadiums have a huge delay in the sound system because of the size of the place. Usually it's about 1.5 seconds. Have you ever tried to sing with a 1.5 second delay in your ear? It's damn near impossible. I noticed Taylor used a monitor wedge (speakers) right in front of him pointing directly into his face. That's OK except you still hear the delay, it's just not as loud as the primary signal. That delay can really throw you off! It's death to singers! I usually plug my ears with cotton or tissue so I can't hear anything except the sound of my own voice resonating inside my head. It's a brutal way to do it but it works every time. You don't want to take a chance with the National Anthem.
By the way, I haven't heard from the San Jose Sharks about singing the National Anthem at a NHL Stanley Cup playoff game yet. I hope they call soon. I don't want to miss that opportunity, besides the Sharks could go all the way this year!
It's just been confirmed that I will be singing the National Anthem for the San Francisco Giants on July 4th. Afterward there will be a fireworks display. I love the 4th of July! It's the most patriotic holiday!
The next time I sing the Anthem I will take a video camera with me out on the field (or the ice) and tape what it looks like from my perspective. I might have to hand it off to someone else at the last moment before I sing, but I think you'll get the picture. It's pretty amazing. It's a whole lot easier to sing the Anthem indoors at the Shark Tank than it is outdoors at the ball park. It's all because of that damn delay!
Hey Taylor! Welcome to the club!
I saw Taylor Hicks from American Idol (he's in town to play in "Grease") sing the National Anthem on opening day at the SF Giants yesterday and it reminded me how hard it is to sing it in AT&T Park. Most baseball stadiums have a huge delay in the sound system because of the size of the place. Usually it's about 1.5 seconds. Have you ever tried to sing with a 1.5 second delay in your ear? It's damn near impossible. I noticed Taylor used a monitor wedge (speakers) right in front of him pointing directly into his face. That's OK except you still hear the delay, it's just not as loud as the primary signal. That delay can really throw you off! It's death to singers! I usually plug my ears with cotton or tissue so I can't hear anything except the sound of my own voice resonating inside my head. It's a brutal way to do it but it works every time. You don't want to take a chance with the National Anthem.
By the way, I haven't heard from the San Jose Sharks about singing the National Anthem at a NHL Stanley Cup playoff game yet. I hope they call soon. I don't want to miss that opportunity, besides the Sharks could go all the way this year!
It's just been confirmed that I will be singing the National Anthem for the San Francisco Giants on July 4th. Afterward there will be a fireworks display. I love the 4th of July! It's the most patriotic holiday!
The next time I sing the Anthem I will take a video camera with me out on the field (or the ice) and tape what it looks like from my perspective. I might have to hand it off to someone else at the last moment before I sing, but I think you'll get the picture. It's pretty amazing. It's a whole lot easier to sing the Anthem indoors at the Shark Tank than it is outdoors at the ball park. It's all because of that damn delay!
Hey Taylor! Welcome to the club!
The Tornado That Ate Our Gig!
The Tornado That Ate Our Gig!
Creedence Clearwater Revisited had already refused to play. Their tour bus was long gone. Most of the audience had already fled in terror. The roadies were running for cover. The wind had picked up considerably and was now carrying away picnic tables and small dogs. The sky had morphed from ugly gray to ominous black, as black as sky can be.
I stood there watching things go from bad to worse, wondering how in hell we were gonna get paid amid all this chaos.
Ah yes, life on the road. It’s never boring.
The “outdoor rock festival in the middle of nowhere” is one of my booking agent’s specialties, and I’ve become a bit of an expert on the proper way to approach such gigs. First of all, the most important thing you can do upon arrival is find the guy who’s going to pay you and become his best friend. Hang with this person and establish a relationship based on mutual respect. In the old days that could have meant flashing your piece or your lawyer’s business card. Nowadays it might mean a friendly pat on the back and dropping names like Guido and Bugsy. Whatever. Discuss the amount of money scheduled to change hands and the different forms such payments may take, then create a timetable that is of benefit to all. Cash preferred. This being done, you can move on to more immediate concerns like unpacking your equipment.
That’s if you’re going by the book.
On the date in question, the book blew right out of our hands and was carried away by gale-force winds. We were completely on our own.
As fate would have it, our road manager was on the injured reserved list and couldn’t make the trip. “What could possibly go wrong?” he said as he bid us good-bye at the airport. “Get in, get paid, get out. Do a good show, everybody’s happy. Easy as pie. Here’s a list of telephone numbers and a copy of the contract. See ya Monday.”
It all sounded so simple Friday morning in San Francisco, by late Saturday afternoon those words had come back to haunt us. Nobody had figured on an “act of God.”
We were in the Midwest, during tornado season, and twisters were commonplace in this neck of the woods. In fact, we learned that a tornado had touched down the day before a scant one-mile from the site of the concert. No worries, Mate, as they say in Australia, what are the odds of it happening again?
Apparently the odds were pretty good, because by gig time, the damn place was ground zero.
Bass player and GKB co-founder Steve Wright acted as road manager. He pointed to the only thing in the contract that could save us, the dreaded “Force majeure,” sometimes known as the “act of God” clause. That said that if the band were at the gig, ready to go on, and fully intending to play, and an act of God prevented such gig from occurring, the band in question would still get paid. After all, they had traveled there in good faith, hadn’t they? Force majeureseldom comes into play, but when it does, it’s a doozey. It always means disaster.
The promoter had pretty much closed up shop and gone into a rope-a-dope mode. In the production office, everybody was shouting. Steve got tough and demanded our money.
The promoter had already been worked over by pros, including heavyweights like Creedence’s road management team, plus all the other bands, and every local opener within a two hundred mile radius, and it seemed hopeless.
Steve somehow convinced the guy that we would play regardless of weather, that the tornado meant nothing to us, and that we’d played in tornados all the time, and we were tough as nails, and what are you, some kinda wussy? This is rock and roll, Mister! We came to play! Now get that stuff set up and let’s get crackin’!
Miraculously, the guy handed over the money. In cash, no less. As crazy as it sounds, Steve had actually convinced the guy that the gig could be salvaged. In doing so, Steve had preformed the miracle of miracles and become a holy man. Later, back at the hotel, he would walk on water. But, I’ll tell you that story another time; it involves lots of liquor and an indoor pool. But getting back to the gig…
Steve came back to the dressing room smiling and told us to suit up. Ry tuned the guitars and Dave went up on stage to set up his drums. The roadies hurried to get the amps in position and fired up. The word went out- damn the tornados, the Greg Kihn Band is gonna play!
Then the poop hit the fan. About ten minutes later, all hell broke loose. Everybody ran. There were bunkers built into the underside of the stage, and people shouted to take cover. At this point in time there were still about three thousand hard-core fans standing in front of the stage, expecting to rock. They disappeared in seconds. I don’t know where they went, but they were gone at the blink of an eye. It got really dark really fast and the wind began to howl.
The cymbals on Dave’s drum kit flew away like giant metal Frisbees, threatening to decapitate anybody that got in their way. The huge lighting truss above the stage began to swing back and forth, making a groaning noise. In the middle of it all I saw Ry on stage! He was grabbing his guitars and foot switches.
“Ry! Get outa there!” I screamed above the shrieking wind. Amplifiers flipped over. The lighting truss swayed ominously above us. “Now!”
We ran, father and son, off the stage to safety. I’ll never forget it.
We never did play that day.
But we did get paid.
Miracles do happen.
Creedence Clearwater Revisited had already refused to play. Their tour bus was long gone. Most of the audience had already fled in terror. The roadies were running for cover. The wind had picked up considerably and was now carrying away picnic tables and small dogs. The sky had morphed from ugly gray to ominous black, as black as sky can be.
I stood there watching things go from bad to worse, wondering how in hell we were gonna get paid amid all this chaos.
Ah yes, life on the road. It’s never boring.
The “outdoor rock festival in the middle of nowhere” is one of my booking agent’s specialties, and I’ve become a bit of an expert on the proper way to approach such gigs. First of all, the most important thing you can do upon arrival is find the guy who’s going to pay you and become his best friend. Hang with this person and establish a relationship based on mutual respect. In the old days that could have meant flashing your piece or your lawyer’s business card. Nowadays it might mean a friendly pat on the back and dropping names like Guido and Bugsy. Whatever. Discuss the amount of money scheduled to change hands and the different forms such payments may take, then create a timetable that is of benefit to all. Cash preferred. This being done, you can move on to more immediate concerns like unpacking your equipment.
That’s if you’re going by the book.
On the date in question, the book blew right out of our hands and was carried away by gale-force winds. We were completely on our own.
As fate would have it, our road manager was on the injured reserved list and couldn’t make the trip. “What could possibly go wrong?” he said as he bid us good-bye at the airport. “Get in, get paid, get out. Do a good show, everybody’s happy. Easy as pie. Here’s a list of telephone numbers and a copy of the contract. See ya Monday.”
It all sounded so simple Friday morning in San Francisco, by late Saturday afternoon those words had come back to haunt us. Nobody had figured on an “act of God.”
We were in the Midwest, during tornado season, and twisters were commonplace in this neck of the woods. In fact, we learned that a tornado had touched down the day before a scant one-mile from the site of the concert. No worries, Mate, as they say in Australia, what are the odds of it happening again?
Apparently the odds were pretty good, because by gig time, the damn place was ground zero.
Bass player and GKB co-founder Steve Wright acted as road manager. He pointed to the only thing in the contract that could save us, the dreaded “Force majeure,” sometimes known as the “act of God” clause. That said that if the band were at the gig, ready to go on, and fully intending to play, and an act of God prevented such gig from occurring, the band in question would still get paid. After all, they had traveled there in good faith, hadn’t they? Force majeureseldom comes into play, but when it does, it’s a doozey. It always means disaster.
The promoter had pretty much closed up shop and gone into a rope-a-dope mode. In the production office, everybody was shouting. Steve got tough and demanded our money.
The promoter had already been worked over by pros, including heavyweights like Creedence’s road management team, plus all the other bands, and every local opener within a two hundred mile radius, and it seemed hopeless.
Steve somehow convinced the guy that we would play regardless of weather, that the tornado meant nothing to us, and that we’d played in tornados all the time, and we were tough as nails, and what are you, some kinda wussy? This is rock and roll, Mister! We came to play! Now get that stuff set up and let’s get crackin’!
Miraculously, the guy handed over the money. In cash, no less. As crazy as it sounds, Steve had actually convinced the guy that the gig could be salvaged. In doing so, Steve had preformed the miracle of miracles and become a holy man. Later, back at the hotel, he would walk on water. But, I’ll tell you that story another time; it involves lots of liquor and an indoor pool. But getting back to the gig…
Steve came back to the dressing room smiling and told us to suit up. Ry tuned the guitars and Dave went up on stage to set up his drums. The roadies hurried to get the amps in position and fired up. The word went out- damn the tornados, the Greg Kihn Band is gonna play!
Then the poop hit the fan. About ten minutes later, all hell broke loose. Everybody ran. There were bunkers built into the underside of the stage, and people shouted to take cover. At this point in time there were still about three thousand hard-core fans standing in front of the stage, expecting to rock. They disappeared in seconds. I don’t know where they went, but they were gone at the blink of an eye. It got really dark really fast and the wind began to howl.
The cymbals on Dave’s drum kit flew away like giant metal Frisbees, threatening to decapitate anybody that got in their way. The huge lighting truss above the stage began to swing back and forth, making a groaning noise. In the middle of it all I saw Ry on stage! He was grabbing his guitars and foot switches.
“Ry! Get outa there!” I screamed above the shrieking wind. Amplifiers flipped over. The lighting truss swayed ominously above us. “Now!”
We ran, father and son, off the stage to safety. I’ll never forget it.
We never did play that day.
But we did get paid.
Miracles do happen.
The roar of the rubber, the smell of the crowd, the smoke

The roar of the rubber, the smell of the crowd, the smoke, the noise, the thrills! Last night had it all! I took my Corvette out onto the quarter-mile track at Infineon Raceway and opened it up. Tim Jeffreys challenged me to a grudge match, and I couldn’t refuse. Let me say right now, this is the most fun I’ve had in years.
If you’ve never seen Infineon Raceway in Sonoma, California, it’s a beautiful facility. They host the NASCAR Winston Cup, NHRA, Superbike, and the American LaMans Series. When it comes to racing, these guys really know what they’re doing.
I’d like to thank all the good people at Infineon Raceway for taking care of us and letting us participate in their Wednesday night drags. The quarter-mile track awaited, all lit up and stretched out like an asphalt ribbon of broken dreams. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous.
I’d never raced before. In fact, I’d never even opened the ‘Vette up all the way before. When I saw “opened up” I mean in a way you never could on city streets. As you may know, I’ve gotten way too many speeding tickets of late (3 in 4 months) and my lead foot has gotten me into considerable trouble. So, the good folks at Infineon Raceway came to the rescue saying, “Go as fast as you want! It’s legal here! Go nuts!”
So, when the smoke cleared, I found myself in front of the staging lights, gunning my engine, waiting for the green light. Tim was on my right; I could see his white knuckles on the steering wheel. His Mercedes would be no match for my ‘Vette, I knew, but they had handicapped the race and given him a head start. I took a deep breath and when the green light went on, I floored it. In fact, that was my only strategy, floor it and keep it floored and don’t let up until the finish line flew past. Tires squealed, the smell of burning rubber filled my nostrils, and I was off!
Neck-snapping acceleration pinned me back in my seat as the Corvette exploded off the line. Hurtling through the night air toward the finish line, I passed Tim in a heartbeat and did my best to keep the car from getting bent out of shape. I fishtailed a little, but the ‘Vette is born to race, and all I did was hang on and let the car do it’s thing. I could see the finish line rapidly approaching ahead and kept my foot on the accelerator until it flashed behind me. I was so caught up in the moment and the adrenalin surge that I forgot to glance down at the speedometer the first time I ran. As I rounded the course and headed back, I saw my top speed for the first time. I hit just under 110 mph at the end of the quarter-mile and traversed that distance in a brisk 13.114 seconds! What a rush! Official speed: 109.70! Ye-haa!
I’ve always wanted to do that, but I never had the chance until now. Later, driving home, doing the speed limit felt like I was going about 20 mph.
Next time I’m tempted to go 100 mph on the freeway, I’ll remember the feeling I got on the straightaway last night and I will SLOW DOWN and save it for the race track. I’d advise you to do the same. Those speeding tickets are expensive!
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