So, what this means is- if you make the winning bid, I'll show up at your house with some nice acoustic guitars and proceed to sit down and play my ass off. Well, one glance at my ass and you'd probably think, "OK, he's already done that, because this man has no buttocks." But let's not focus on my buttocks, let's focus on beating cancer. We're raising money for the Leukemia/Lymphomma Society.

These Team In Training people are wonderful. I have had the pleasure of working with them for some time now and they really care. What can be more compelling than a kid with cancer? My God, it breaks your heart while at the same time fills you with hope.

I can see a day when all kids will be vaccinated against all forms of cancer. That day is coming, but it's going to take a lot of money.
If that auction for the private concert is too rich for your blood and you still want to help out- you can always make a donation for ANY amount. Here's the link to donate:

The week is flying past, and Friday is just around the corner. The auction will be over before you know it. Please make your bid now.
And thanks for voting!